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LETTER: Western Governors back proposals to improve TV White Spaces deliver...

Published on April 23, 2020
Western Governors support proposed updates to improve the utility of TV White Spaces technology that will enable improved broadband coverage in rural communities. The Governor...

LETTER: Western Governors back proposals to improve TV White Spaces deliver...

Published on April 23, 2020

LETTER: Western Governors urge support of H.R. 4004, the Social Determinant...

Published on March 05, 2020
Western Governors encourage leadership of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce to consider H.R. 4004, the Social Determinants Accelerator Act, as a tool to help states a...
Economic Development

LETTER: Western Governors urge support of H.R. 4004, the Social Determinant...

Published on March 05, 2020

TESTIMONY: WGA comments on FY 2021 appropriations for NIDIS, NTIA

Published on March 04, 2020
Western Governors’ Association Executive Director Jim Ogsbury offered testimony on March 4, 2020 to the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justi...
Economic Development

TESTIMONY: WGA comments on FY 2021 appropriations for NIDIS, NTIA

Published on March 04, 2020

TESTIMONY: WGA comments on FY 2021 appropriations and activities of DOL, HH...

Published on March 04, 2020
Western Governors’ Association Executive Director Jim Ogsbury offered testimony on March 4, 2020 to the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Labor, Health an...
Economic Development

TESTIMONY: WGA comments on FY 2021 appropriations and activities of DOL, HH...

Published on March 04, 2020

LETTER: WGA applauds USFS update of permitting for broadband infrastructure

Published on November 21, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association shared its appreciation of the U.S. Forest Service's (USFS) commitment to implementing Section 8705 of the 2018 Farm Bill by updat...
Economic Development

LETTER: WGA applauds USFS update of permitting for broadband infrastructure

Published on November 21, 2019

LETTER: WGA shares policy on apprenticeships in advance of House hearing

Published on November 18, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association shared its policy on apprenticeships in advance of the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment’s Nov. 20...
Economic Development

LETTER: WGA shares policy on apprenticeships in advance of House hearing

Published on November 18, 2019

LETTER: Governors commend efforts by Rural Utilities Service to further dep...

Published on October 25, 2019
Western Governors appreciate the work of the Rural Utilities Service to expand broadband deployment in rural America through the ReConnect Program. The outreach of Oct. 25, 20...
Economic Development

LETTER: Governors commend efforts by Rural Utilities Service to further dep...

Published on October 25, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors urge Congress to reach agreement on America’s T...

Published on October 11, 2019
Western Governors urge Congress to reach bipartisan agreement on a long-term surface transportation reauthorization bill that addresses the unique needs of the West and helps ...
Economic Development

LETTER: Western Governors urge Congress to reach agreement on America’s T...

Published on October 11, 2019

COMMENTS: WGA appreciates FCC attention to concerns about broadband data an...

Published on October 10, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association (WGA) appreciates the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) attention to concerns regarding the issue of census block-based rep...
Economic Development

COMMENTS: WGA appreciates FCC attention to concerns about broadband data an...

Published on October 10, 2019

LETTER: WGA highlights need for broadband deployment in advance of House he...

Published on September 10, 2019
The Western Governors' Association highlights the significance of expanding broadband deployment in outreach to leadership of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce...
Economic Development

LETTER: WGA highlights need for broadband deployment in advance of House he...

Published on September 10, 2019

COMMENTS: Western Governors urge FCC to permanently fund digital services p...

Published on August 28, 2019
Western Governors urge the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to permanently adopt the E-Rate Program for Schools and Libraries that supports crucial digital services pro...
Economic Development

COMMENTS: Western Governors urge FCC to permanently fund digital services p...

Published on August 28, 2019

COMMENTS: Governors support federal apprenticeship investments that align w...

Published on August 26, 2019
Western Governors believe that "federal investments in apprenticeships should align with existing efforts to foster a coherent system with minimal duplication at the federal, ...
Economic Development

COMMENTS: Governors support federal apprenticeship investments that align w...

Published on August 26, 2019

LETTER: Governors support legislation for responsible western energy develo...

Published on August 19, 2019
Western Governors support legislation that promotes responsible development of solar, wind and geothermal energy resources in the West – many of which are on federal lan...
Economic Development

LETTER: Governors support legislation for responsible western energy develo...

Published on August 19, 2019

LETTER: WGA shares policy on broadband deployment for House subcommittee he...

Published on July 10, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association shared policy addressing broadband deployment with the House Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit in advance of its...

LETTER: WGA shares policy on broadband deployment for House subcommittee he...

Published on July 10, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors encourage FCC to continue innovative use of Educa...

Published on July 09, 2019
Western Governors encourage the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to continue innovative usage of the Educational Broadband Service (EBS) spectrum to support rural conne...
Economic Development

LETTER: Western Governors encourage FCC to continue innovative use of Educa...

Published on July 09, 2019

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