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WGA advocates for electric vehicle infrastructure as Department of Transpor...

Published on January 18, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association shared policy recommendations with the U.S. Department of Transportation to aid in its development of a Research Development, and Tech...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA advocates for electric vehicle infrastructure as Department of Transpor...

Published on January 18, 2022

WGA urged the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform to...

Published on January 11, 2022
Western Governors urged the House Committee on Oversight and Reform to clarify the roles and responsibilities of federal agencies in preventing, preparing for, and r...
Economic Development

WGA urged the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform to...

Published on January 11, 2022

WGA encouraged House Committee on Agriculture to support expanding electric...

Published on January 11, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association encouraged the House Committee on Agriculture to support expanding electric vehicle infrastructure in rural areas ahead of the Committ...

WGA encouraged House Committee on Agriculture to support expanding electric...

Published on January 11, 2022

Hydropower project licensing highlighted in WGA correspondence with Senate ...

Published on January 10, 2022
Hydropower project licensing, congressional support for water infrastructure, and the role of basic water data in supporting effective water management were just some of the i...
Economic Development

Hydropower project licensing highlighted in WGA correspondence with Senate ...

Published on January 10, 2022

WGA promotes western priorities as the Department of Transportation forms n...

Published on December 17, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association shared several policy resolutions with the Office of the Secretary of Transportation as the Department drafts a new strategic plan. Th...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA promotes western priorities as the Department of Transportation forms n...

Published on December 17, 2021

WGA urges the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building to develop m...

Published on December 13, 2021
Ahead of the First Annual Report for the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building, the Western Governors’ Association urged the committee to develop policies tha...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA urges the Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building to develop m...

Published on December 13, 2021

WGA urges multi-jurisdictional coordination for Greater sage-grouse managem...

Published on December 03, 2021
In a letter to Patricia Deibert, the Acting National Sage-grouse Coordinator for the Bureau of Land Management, the Western Governors’ Association urged the departm...
Species Management

WGA urges multi-jurisdictional coordination for Greater sage-grouse managem...

Published on December 03, 2021

Western Governors support Senate approval of the JOBS Act to expand trainin...

Published on November 19, 2021
Western Governors encouraged Congress, in a letter to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, to increase access to short-term education and skills trai...
Economic Development

Western Governors support Senate approval of the JOBS Act to expand trainin...

Published on November 19, 2021

Western Governors reiterate need for federal-state consultation during NOAA...

Published on November 18, 2021
Western Governors continue to press for the importance of states being regularly consulted throughout development of the Biden Administration’s Report on Conserving...
Environmental Management

Western Governors reiterate need for federal-state consultation during NOAA...

Published on November 18, 2021

Western Governors raise concerns over conservation plans with the National ...

Published on November 18, 2021
Western Governors submitted WGA policy resolution, Species Conservation and the Endangered Species Act, for consideration as the National Marine Fisheries Service re...
Environmental Management

Western Governors raise concerns over conservation plans with the National ...

Published on November 18, 2021

Western Governors applaud Senate bill to streamline grant applications for ...

Published on November 18, 2021
In a letter to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Western Governors applauded the Eliminating Barriers to Rural Internet Development Grant Eligibility ...

Western Governors applaud Senate bill to streamline grant applications for ...

Published on November 18, 2021

Western Governors praise Congressional action on broadband access, call for...

Published on November 18, 2021
The Western Governors praised recent efforts by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce to address issues of broadband access, particularly the introduction of th...

Western Governors praise Congressional action on broadband access, call for...

Published on November 18, 2021

Western Governors praise Senate’s work on broadband connectivity, call fo...

Published on November 18, 2021
In correspondence with the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, Western Governors praised recent efforts to address issues of broadband access, particul...

Western Governors praise Senate’s work on broadband connectivity, call fo...

Published on November 18, 2021

WGA calls on Homeland Security to improve data sharing policies, infrastruc...

Published on November 15, 2021
In response to the 2022 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, the Western Governors’ Association submitted the Governors’ policy resolution, Utilizing State D...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA calls on Homeland Security to improve data sharing policies, infrastruc...

Published on November 15, 2021

WGA highlights the need for improved data-sharing capacity with Federal Chi...

Published on November 15, 2021
In outreach to the Federal Chief Data Officers Council, The Western Governors’ Association shared its policy resolution, Utilizing State Data in Federal Decisi...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA highlights the need for improved data-sharing capacity with Federal Chi...

Published on November 15, 2021

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