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Species Spotlight: Delisting the American Peregrine Falcon through captive ...

Published on March 29, 2016
The American Peregrine Falcon was once abundant throughout the United States, but widespread use of the pesticide DDT caused the bird’s population to decline r...
Species Management

Species Spotlight: Delisting the American Peregrine Falcon through captive ...

Published on March 29, 2016

Governors Hickenlooper, Mead launch Denver workshop on ESA Initiative

Published on March 09, 2016
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead kicked off the latest workshop of the Western Governors' Species Conservation and ...
Species Management

Governors Hickenlooper, Mead launch Denver workshop on ESA Initiative

Published on March 09, 2016

Species Spotlight: Recovering the Oregon chub through conservation partners...

Published on March 01, 2016
Oregon chub populations were in steep decline due to habitat loss and nonnative species predation in 1993 when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) listed...
Species Management

Species Spotlight: Recovering the Oregon chub through conservation partners...

Published on March 01, 2016

Species Spotlight: How collaborative conservation led to a ‘Not Warra...

Published on February 04, 2016
Arctic grayling populations, including in Montana’s Big Hole River, had been declining for decades when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in 1992 first con...
Species Management

Species Spotlight: How collaborative conservation led to a ‘Not Warra...

Published on February 04, 2016

Gov. Otter urges engagement, innovation to improve species conservation, ES...

Published on January 19, 2016
Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter welcomed participants to the Idaho workshop of the Western Governors' Species Conservation and Endangered Species Act Initiati...
Species Management

Gov. Otter urges engagement, innovation to improve species conservation, ES...

Published on January 19, 2016

Executive Director’s Notebook: WGA’s ‘Top 10 Bipartisan P...

Published on December 29, 2015
By Jim Ogsbury
Western Governors’ Association

Executive Director’s Notebook: WGA’s ‘Top 10 Bipartisan P...

Published on December 29, 2015

Western Governors open Winter Meeting with wildfire, transportation session...

Published on December 04, 2015
Cybersecurity, wildfires and transportation topped the first day of the Western Governors' Association 2015 Winter Meeting in Las Vegas, Nev.
Western Governors’ Association

Western Governors open Winter Meeting with wildfire, transportation session...

Published on December 04, 2015

Gov. Mead launches Species Conservation and ESA Initiative workshops

Published on November 12, 2015
Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead kicked off the first workshop of the Species Conservation and Endangered Species Act Initiative with a nod to the significance of wildlife in ...
Species Management

Gov. Mead launches Species Conservation and ESA Initiative workshops

Published on November 12, 2015

WGA Annual Meeting: Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead will focus on the Endangered Spe...

Published on June 26, 2015
Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead will focus on the Endangered Species Act (ESA) during his year as Chairman of the Western Governors' Association. Gov. Mead discussed his ...
Species Management

WGA Annual Meeting: Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead will focus on the Endangered Spe...

Published on June 26, 2015

WGA Annual Meeting: Transportation, Leavitt keynote, new chairman election ...

Published on June 25, 2015
Western Governors approved five policy resolutions, heard a keynote address by Michael Leavitt, engaged with transportation experts on pressing regional issues, and elect...
Western Governors’ Association

WGA Annual Meeting: Transportation, Leavitt keynote, new chairman election ...

Published on June 25, 2015

WGA Annual Meeting: Drought, sage-grouse conservation dominate Day 1

Published on June 24, 2015
Drought, wildfires and sage-grouse conservation were just some of the topics addressed on day one of the Western Governors' Association 2015 Annual Meeting in In...
Western Governors’ Association

WGA Annual Meeting: Drought, sage-grouse conservation dominate Day 1

Published on June 24, 2015

Western Governors’ Drought Forum: Special Report

Published on June 23, 2015
The Western Governors’ Drought Forum was launched by WGA Chairman and Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval to enable a West-wide conversation about b...

Western Governors’ Drought Forum: Special Report

Published on June 23, 2015

Western Governors’ Drought Forum meeting wraps up first year, looks ahead

Published on June 23, 2015
The Western Governors’ Drought Forum gathered water management experts in Nevada to discuss the most significant themes to emerge during the initiative's f...

Western Governors’ Drought Forum meeting wraps up first year, looks ahead

Published on June 23, 2015

Drought Impacts and Solutions for the Recreation and Tourism Sectors

Published on February 10, 2015
The fifth workshop of the Western Governors’ Drought Forum examined the challenges facing recreation and tourism during a period of drought. Following are high...

Drought Impacts and Solutions for the Recreation and Tourism Sectors

Published on February 10, 2015

Nevada Gov. Sandoval opens Drought Forum on water supply in Las Vegas

Published on December 08, 2014
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval on Monday framed the enormous challenges caused by drought in the West, while also exhorting the "dream team" of experts attending the lat...

Nevada Gov. Sandoval opens Drought Forum on water supply in Las Vegas

Published on December 08, 2014

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