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EPA, Coast Guard not fulfilling statutory obligation to consult with Govern...

Published on September 09, 2019
Western Governors assert that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) are not engaging in statutorily mandated consultation with Governors during...
State-Federal Relationship

EPA, Coast Guard not fulfilling statutory obligation to consult with Govern...

Published on September 09, 2019

Western Governors support reestablishment of forum for meaningful dialogue ...

Published on August 29, 2019
Western Governors support the reestablishment of a forum for meaningful dialogue on intergovernmental issues, such as the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations of the Unit...
State-Federal Relationship

Western Governors support reestablishment of forum for meaningful dialogue ...

Published on August 29, 2019

Governors support federal investments in apprenticeships that align with ex...

Published on August 26, 2019
Western Governors assert that "federal investments in apprenticeships should align with existing efforts to foster a coherent system with minimal duplication at the federal, s...
Economic Development

Governors support federal investments in apprenticeships that align with ex...

Published on August 26, 2019

WGA-led coalition concerned with Army Corps proposed rulemaking on water su...

Published on August 22, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association and three other leading associations of state officials expressed "collective and continued concerns" with a U.S. Army Corps of Engine...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA-led coalition concerned with Army Corps proposed rulemaking on water su...

Published on August 22, 2019

Western Governors back bills promoting cybersecurity for state and local go...

Published on July 23, 2019
Western Governors urge Congress to support bills that strengthen cybersecurity, including the Securing Energy Infrastructure Act and the State and Local Government Cybersecuri...

Western Governors back bills promoting cybersecurity for state and local go...

Published on July 23, 2019

WGA urges “fundamental changes” to improve state-federal relationship

Published on July 22, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association shared recommendations to improve the state-federal relationship with the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Gove...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA urges “fundamental changes” to improve state-federal relationship

Published on July 22, 2019

WGA looks forward to substantive discussion of Section 401 process improvem...

Published on April 10, 2019
Western Governors have concerns regarding the impact of today's Executive Order “Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth” on the authority of state...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA looks forward to substantive discussion of Section 401 process improvem...

Published on April 10, 2019

WGA submits FY 2020 testimony to House, Senate Appropriations on land manag...

Published on March 28, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association submitted testimony on FY 2020 appropriations to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations Subcommittees on Agriculture, Rural...
Economic Development

WGA submits FY 2020 testimony to House, Senate Appropriations on land manag...

Published on March 28, 2019

Appropriations Act includes wins for Western Governors in wildfire funding,...

Published on February 28, 2019
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019 (H.J. Res. 31) includes a number of significant victories for Western Governors. The measure comprises 7 of the 12 appropriations mea...
Forest & Rangeland Management

Appropriations Act includes wins for Western Governors in wildfire funding,...

Published on February 28, 2019

WGA submits testimony to House, Senate Appropriations for FY 2020

Published on February 21, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association submitted the testimony of James D. Ogsbury, WGA Executive Director on behalf of the Western Governors to the House of Representa...
Forest & Rangeland Management

WGA submits testimony to House, Senate Appropriations for FY 2020

Published on February 21, 2019

Executive Director’s Notebook: The Governors’ relentless commitment to ...

Published on February 11, 2019
By Jim Ogsbury
State-Federal Relationship

Executive Director’s Notebook: The Governors’ relentless commitment to ...

Published on February 11, 2019

Western Governors’ Association:  Strengthening the State-Federal Rel...

Published on February 05, 2019
Realigning and strengthening the state-federal relationship is a unifying theme in the policy of the Western Governors’ Association. The association works to educat...
State-Federal Relationship

Western Governors’ Association:  Strengthening the State-Federal Rel...

Published on February 05, 2019

Western Governors seek dialogue with Interior on state, federal data-sharin...

Published on January 29, 2019
Western Governors invite the Department of the Interior to discuss issues surrounding state and federal data-sharing, including disclosure concerns and potential solutions.
State-Federal Relationship

Western Governors seek dialogue with Interior on state, federal data-sharin...

Published on January 29, 2019

WGA urges Congressional leadership to address Western Governors’ prioriti...

Published on January 14, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association (WGA) urges Congressional leadership to consider Western Governors’ priorities for legislative action as they formulate their pa...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA urges Congressional leadership to address Western Governors’ prioriti...

Published on January 14, 2019

WGA testimony urges Congress to ‘clarify’ language recognizing states a...

Published on November 16, 2018
WGA delivered testimony before the House Speaker’s Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs that expressed the Western Governors’ position on the state-federal rela...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA testimony urges Congress to ‘clarify’ language recognizing states a...

Published on November 16, 2018

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