WGA urges “fundamental changes” to improve state-federal relationship

The Western Governors’ Association shared recommendations to improve the state-federal relationship with the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations in advance of its July 23, 2019 hearing, "Restoring the Partnership: The Future of Federalism in America."

The outreach to Chairman Gerry Connolly and Ranking Member Mark Meadows included WGA Policy Resolution 2017-01, Building a Stronger State-Federal Relationship and federalism resources developed by WGA and its partners. WGA also shared previous correspondence with House leadership requesting “meaningful dialogue about institutional improvements to the state-federal relationship.” 

“Improving state-federal communication and coordination is a goal that transcends party lines, and it is among the Governors’ highest priorities,” states the letter signed by WGA Executive Director Jim Ogsbury. “Western Governors urge Congress and the Executive Branch to make fundamental changes to realign and improve the state-federal paradigm.”

Read, download the letter.

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