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WGA calls on National Institute of Standards and Technology to better prote...

Published on March 03, 2022
As the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) looks to improve its cybersecurity resources, the Western Governors’ Association urged the agency to prepare...

WGA calls on National Institute of Standards and Technology to better prote...

Published on March 03, 2022

WGA provides recommendations for Department of Energy’s ‘Building a Bet...

Published on February 09, 2022
In correspondence with the U.S. Department of Energy, The Western Governors’ Association voiced its appreciation to the agency for establishing the &lsquo...
Economic Development

WGA provides recommendations for Department of Energy’s ‘Building a Bet...

Published on February 09, 2022

Western Governors support Outdoor Recreation Act provisions regarding manag...

Published on February 07, 2022
Western Governors commended the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for including language in the Outdoor Recreation Act that would enable more effective manageme...
Species Management

Western Governors support Outdoor Recreation Act provisions regarding manag...

Published on February 07, 2022

Western Governors applaud the recission of industry-recognized apprenticesh...

Published on February 02, 2022
In correspondence with the U.S. Department of Labor, Western Governors voiced their support for the Department’s proposal to rescind the industry-recognized apprenticesh...
Economic Development

Western Governors applaud the recission of industry-recognized apprenticesh...

Published on February 02, 2022

WGA shares perspectives on sustainable agriculture with the House Subcommit...

Published on February 01, 2022
In correspondence with the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture, the Western Governors’ Association submitted several po...

WGA shares perspectives on sustainable agriculture with the House Subcommit...

Published on February 01, 2022

WGA share recommendations for the 2023 Farm Bill with House Subcommittee on...

Published on February 01, 2022
The House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry is focused on review of the conservation issues important to the upcoming 2023 Farm Bill...

WGA share recommendations for the 2023 Farm Bill with House Subcommittee on...

Published on February 01, 2022

WGA emphasizes the need for state-federal collaboration on behavioral healt...

Published on January 31, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association submitted policy recommendations to the House Committee on Ways and Means in advance of the Committee’s hearing on America&...

WGA emphasizes the need for state-federal collaboration on behavioral healt...

Published on January 31, 2022

WGA urges Senate to increase mental health care access

Published on January 31, 2022
Ahead of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions’ hearing on mental health and substance use disorders, the Western Governors’ Association sh...

WGA urges Senate to increase mental health care access

Published on January 31, 2022

Western Governors urge National Telecommunications and Information Administ...

Published on January 31, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association shared policy recommendations with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to aid in the implementation ...

Western Governors urge National Telecommunications and Information Administ...

Published on January 31, 2022

Western Governors encourage a strong state-federal partnership to maximize ...

Published on January 28, 2022
Western Governors encouraged the Federal Highway Administration to consider The Western Governors’ Association’s Electric Vehicles Roadmap Initiative Report and po...
Economic Development

Western Governors encourage a strong state-federal partnership to maximize ...

Published on January 28, 2022

Western Governors urge Department of Commerce to focus funding on rural cap...

Published on January 27, 2022
In correspondence with the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), Western Governors shared policy recommendations to help inform the Department’s FY 22/26 Learning Agenda, r...
Economic Development

Western Governors urge Department of Commerce to focus funding on rural cap...

Published on January 27, 2022

WGA urges the House Committee on Agriculture to expand support for social i...

Published on January 19, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association submitted policy recommendations relating to rural economic health and development to the House Committee on Agriculture in advance of...

WGA urges the House Committee on Agriculture to expand support for social i...

Published on January 19, 2022

WGA advocates for electric vehicle infrastructure as Department of Transpor...

Published on January 18, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association shared policy recommendations with the U.S. Department of Transportation to aid in its development of a Research Development, and Tech...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA advocates for electric vehicle infrastructure as Department of Transpor...

Published on January 18, 2022

WGA urged the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform to...

Published on January 11, 2022
Western Governors urged the House Committee on Oversight and Reform to clarify the roles and responsibilities of federal agencies in preventing, preparing for, and r...
Economic Development

WGA urged the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Reform to...

Published on January 11, 2022

Hydropower project licensing highlighted in WGA correspondence with Senate ...

Published on January 10, 2022
Hydropower project licensing, congressional support for water infrastructure, and the role of basic water data in supporting effective water management were just some of the i...
Economic Development

Hydropower project licensing highlighted in WGA correspondence with Senate ...

Published on January 10, 2022

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