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2018 Energy Vision for the West

Published on June 25, 2018
Western Governors support a comprehensive energy portfolio for the West to ensure that energy is clean, affordable, and reliable. They are also committed to energy policies th...

2018 Energy Vision for the West

Published on June 25, 2018

Western Governors’ Association 2017 Annual Report

Published on June 29, 2017
The Western Governors’ Association 2017 Annual Report examines the ongoing policy work of the governors on the state-federal relationship, species conservation, water, a...
Western Governors’ Association

Western Governors’ Association 2017 Annual Report

Published on June 29, 2017

National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative Special Report

Published on June 27, 2017
Western Governors on June 27, 2017 released the National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative Special Report, highlighting mechanisms to bring states, federal land ...
Forest & Rangeland Management

National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative Special Report

Published on June 27, 2017

Western Governors’ Association 2016 Annual Report

Published on July 01, 2016
The Western Governors' Association Annual Report for 2016 examines the issues -- species management, transportation infrastructure funding, the state-federal rel...
Western Governors’ Association

Western Governors’ Association 2016 Annual Report

Published on July 01, 2016

Western Governors’ Association 2015 Annual Report

Published on June 25, 2016
The Western Governors' Association Annual Report for 2015 examines the issues -- energy, sage-grouse conservation, managing drought, the rollout of our Regulator...
Western Governors’ Association

Western Governors’ Association 2015 Annual Report

Published on June 25, 2016

Western Governors’ Drought Forum: Special Report

Published on June 23, 2015
The Western Governors’ Drought Forum was launched by WGA Chairman and Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval to enable a West-wide conversation about b...

Western Governors’ Drought Forum: Special Report

Published on June 23, 2015

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