National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative Special Report

Land Management

Western Governors on June 27, 2017 released the National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative Special Report, highlighting mechanisms to bring states, federal land managers, private landowners and other stakeholders together to discuss issues and opportunities in forest and rangeland management.

In the report, experts and stakeholders from throughout the West share insights on land management practices and identify improvements that will enable western states to develop healthy, resilient landscapes and communities.

The goals of the initiative are to:

Examine existing forest and rangeland management authorities and programs to determine their strengths and weaknesses;

Perform a detailed investigation of the role of collaboratives in landscape restoration;

Create a mechanism for states and land managers to share best practices, case studies and policy options for forest and rangeland management; and

Recommend improved forest and rangeland management authorities and encourage more effective collaboration.

Read and download the report

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