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Western Governors laud Stop the Spread of Invasive Mussels Act’s empowerm...

Published on September 28, 2021
Western Governors shared their support of the Stop the Spread of Invasive Mussels Act of 2021 in Sept. 28 outreach to Representatives John Garamendi and Mark Amodei, who intro...
Species Management

Western Governors laud Stop the Spread of Invasive Mussels Act’s empowerm...

Published on September 28, 2021

Western Governors’ Association 2021 Annual Report

Published on July 28, 2021
The Western Governors' Association 2021 Annual Report highlights the past year’s policy work of the Western Governors on topics such as broadband connectivity, workf...

Western Governors’ Association 2021 Annual Report

Published on July 28, 2021

WGA Annual Meeting: Governors engage Administration, release report of R...

Published on July 01, 2021
WGA's 2021 Annual Meeting, hosted by Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, wrapped up on July 1 after a day of penetrating conversations featuring the Western Governors and Agriculture ...

WGA Annual Meeting: Governors engage Administration, release report of R...

Published on July 01, 2021

LISTEN: Out West podcast highlights the importance and complexities of data...

Published on June 04, 2021
Invasive Species Data Collection and Coordination, the latest episode of WGA’s Out West podcast, delves into the importance, and complexity, of compiling ...
Species Management

LISTEN: Out West podcast highlights the importance and complexities of data...

Published on June 04, 2021

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2022 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on April 19, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association is submitting testimony on behalf of the Western Governors to House and Senate leadership on FY 2022 appropriations and activities. Th...
Forest & Rangeland Management

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2022 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on April 19, 2021

Governors request decisive action, collaboration from DOI, USDA, Army Corps...

Published on April 12, 2021
Western Governors expressed concern about the continuing risks that aquatic invasive species, including quagga and zebra (Dreissenid) mussels, pose to western waters in a lett...
Species Management

Governors request decisive action, collaboration from DOI, USDA, Army Corps...

Published on April 12, 2021

Western Governors welcome new Administration by highlighting key policy, ur...

Published on March 17, 2021
Western Governors are reaching out to the new Administration to foster relationships, encourage dialogue, and prompt policy collaboration between states and their federal part...

Western Governors welcome new Administration by highlighting key policy, ur...

Published on March 17, 2021

Western Governors reach out to new administration to connect, collaborate o...

Published on March 04, 2021
Western Governors are reaching out to the new administration to encourage collaboration on the critical policy issues facing the West. Read the outreach shared so far, includi...

Western Governors reach out to new administration to connect, collaborate o...

Published on March 04, 2021

Invasive Species Data: Citizen Science Data Critical to Fighting the Asian ...

Published on March 03, 2021
The Washington State Department of Agriculture created an Asian Giant Hornet Public Dashboard to share detection and trapping data. 
Species Management

Invasive Species Data: Citizen Science Data Critical to Fighting the Asian ...

Published on March 03, 2021

LISTEN: Learn the importance of invasive species data to conservation distr...

Published on February 17, 2021
Invasive Species Data: Conservation Districts, the latest episode of WGA’s Out West podcast, highlights the importance of invasive species data for conservation district...
Species Management

LISTEN: Learn the importance of invasive species data to conservation distr...

Published on February 17, 2021

Executive Director’s Notebook: ‘Top Ten List’ of Western Gove...

Published on December 23, 2020
By Jim Ogsbury

Executive Director’s Notebook: ‘Top Ten List’ of Western Gove...

Published on December 23, 2020

WEBINAR: WGA Launches Invasive Species Data Mobilization Campaign

Published on December 18, 2020
The Invasive Species Data Mobilization Campaign of the Western Governors’ Association seeks to encourage national, state, and local land managers, private landowners, an...
Species Management

WEBINAR: WGA Launches Invasive Species Data Mobilization Campaign

Published on December 18, 2020

Western Governors approve policy resolutions on State-Federal Relationship,...

Published on December 10, 2020
Western Governors have formally approved five policy resolutions on: Strengthening the State-Federal Relationship, Utilizing State Data in Federal Decision Making, Wild Horse ...
Forest & Rangeland Management

Western Governors approve policy resolutions on State-Federal Relationship,...

Published on December 10, 2020

Webinar: Join the launch of WGA’s Invasive Species Data Mobilization ...

Published on November 02, 2020
The Western Governors’ Association and the North American Invasive Species Management Association hosted a webinar on Dec. 16 to launch the WGA Invasive Species Data Mob...
Species Management

Webinar: Join the launch of WGA’s Invasive Species Data Mobilization ...

Published on November 02, 2020

LETTER: Western Governors seek larger role in FWS proposed rule on excludin...

Published on October 09, 2020
Western Governors urge closer collaboration between states and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on development of the proposed rule, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and P...
Forest & Rangeland Management

LETTER: Western Governors seek larger role in FWS proposed rule on excludin...

Published on October 09, 2020

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