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WGA Policy Resolution 2024-03, Species Conservation and the Endangered Spec...

Published on November 08, 2023
This resolution updates Western Governors’ policy positions on species management and conservation issues.  The resolution expresses the Governors’ support fo...
Species Management

WGA Policy Resolution 2024-03, Species Conservation and the Endangered Spec...

Published on November 08, 2023

WGA Policy Resolution 2023-03, Tax-Exempt Federal Lands and Secure Rural Sc...

Published on December 07, 2022
The federal government must honor its historic Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) agreement with states and counties in the West to compensate them for the presence of tax-exempt...
Economic Development

WGA Policy Resolution 2023-03, Tax-Exempt Federal Lands and Secure Rural Sc...

Published on December 07, 2022

WGA Policy Resolution 2022-11, Biosecurity and Invasive Species Management

Published on June 30, 2022
This resolution addresses invasive species management and adds substantial new policy, including: a call to address the destructive relationship between invasive grasses and w...
Environmental Management

WGA Policy Resolution 2022-11, Biosecurity and Invasive Species Management

Published on June 30, 2022

WGA Policy Resolution 2022-06, Compensatory Mitigation

Published on December 10, 2021
WGA Policy Resolution 2022-06, Compensatory Mitigation: Mitigation plays an important role in wildlife management and conservation, and Western Governors use mitigation progra...
Environmental Management

WGA Policy Resolution 2022-06, Compensatory Mitigation

Published on December 10, 2021

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