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Western Governors recommend improvements for broadband data, mapping and in...

Published on May 06, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association stressed the need for expanded access to high-speed internet throughout the West in comments submitted to the House Subcommittee ...

Western Governors recommend improvements for broadband data, mapping and in...

Published on May 06, 2021

WGA urges Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee to prioritize weste...

Published on April 26, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association articulated the Governors’ policy about energy development on federal lands for a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy...
Air Quality

WGA urges Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee to prioritize weste...

Published on April 26, 2021

Western Governors seek role in improvement of broadband connectivity speeds...

Published on April 26, 2021
Western Governors, in comments to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS) on the Rural eConnectivity Program Final Rule, expressed grat...

Western Governors seek role in improvement of broadband connectivity speeds...

Published on April 26, 2021

WGA urges National Agricultural Statistics Service to increase focus on ...

Published on April 21, 2021
WGA shared Western Governors’ policy on the need for "robust broadband connectivity" for advanced agriculture technologies in comments to the National Agricultural Stati...

WGA urges National Agricultural Statistics Service to increase focus on ...

Published on April 21, 2021

WGA shares Governors’ policy on high-speed internet for rural communi...

Published on April 21, 2021
The Western Governors' Association has emphasized the importance of high-speed internet for rural communities and highlighted infrastructure challenges complicating broadb...

WGA shares Governors’ policy on high-speed internet for rural communi...

Published on April 21, 2021

Western Governors encourage flexibility in use of American Rescue Plan fund...

Published on April 12, 2021
Western Governors expressed concerns about provisions in the American Rescue Plan to restrict how states use the federal aid and encouraged Secretary Janet Yellen of the ...
Economic Development

Western Governors encourage flexibility in use of American Rescue Plan fund...

Published on April 12, 2021

WGA articulates Governors’ policy on workforce development with Senate Co...

Published on April 07, 2021
The Western Governors' Association has shared the Governors’ policy work on enhancing career opportunities for students, graduates and displaced workers with leaders...
Economic Development

WGA articulates Governors’ policy on workforce development with Senate Co...

Published on April 07, 2021

Western Governors support FCC efforts to promote flexibility within its E-R...

Published on April 05, 2021
Western Governors support efforts to promote flexibility within the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) E-Rate Program. The Governors shared their backing in April...

Western Governors support FCC efforts to promote flexibility within its E-R...

Published on April 05, 2021

WGA alerts OMB that proposed change could disrupt quality of economic data ...

Published on March 19, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association alerted the Office of Management and Budget that a proposed modification in its notice, Recommendations From the Metropolitan and Micr...
Economic Development

WGA alerts OMB that proposed change could disrupt quality of economic data ...

Published on March 19, 2021

Western Governors reach out to new administration to connect, collaborate o...

Published on March 04, 2021
Western Governors are reaching out to the new administration to encourage collaboration on the critical policy issues facing the West. Read the outreach shared so far, includi...

Western Governors reach out to new administration to connect, collaborate o...

Published on March 04, 2021

Western Governors ask President Biden for role in Executive Order review of...

Published on March 01, 2021
Western Governors, in outreach to President Biden, "respectfully request" they be consulted about Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, and De...
Economic Development

Western Governors ask President Biden for role in Executive Order review of...

Published on March 01, 2021

Letter: Governors support Health Resources and Services Administration deci...

Published on October 26, 2020
Western Governors support a proposed change by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of its definition of rural areas, as it expands the number of counties e...
Economic Development

Letter: Governors support Health Resources and Services Administration deci...

Published on October 26, 2020

Letter: WGA lauds USDA RD for expanding program eligibility to support broa...

Published on October 14, 2020
The Western Governors’ Association appreciates U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development's (USDA RD) expanded program eligibility to support broadband infrast...

Letter: WGA lauds USDA RD for expanding program eligibility to support broa...

Published on October 14, 2020

LETTER: WGA advocates for flexibility in states’ response to implementing...

Published on September 10, 2020
The Western Governors’ Association appreciates the Federal Highway Administration’s commitment to implementing the MOBILE NOW Act, especially as it ensures that st...

LETTER: WGA advocates for flexibility in states’ response to implementing...

Published on September 10, 2020

LETTER: WGA appreciates USDA efforts to engage with states on development o...

Published on August 21, 2020
Western Governors appreciate U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) efforts to engage with states and stakeholders in the development of the Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (...
Economic Development

LETTER: WGA appreciates USDA efforts to engage with states on development o...

Published on August 21, 2020

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