WGA encourages Congress to broaden the eligible use of EDA grants in support of rural economic development

In correspondence with the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation’s Subcommittee on Tourism, Trade, and Export Promotion, the Western Governors’ Association (WGA) encouraged Congress to allow for maximum flexibility in the use of federal economic development resources and the design of new and existing programs in support of small businesses and entrepreneurship in rural areas. The letter of November 21, signed by WGA Executive Director Jack Waldorf, specifically highlighted the need to broaden the eligible use of Economic Development Administration funds to support the execution of community and economic development plans, create actionable improvements, and scale up efforts across communities, including those related to agricultural innovation and housing. “Rural communities in the West are envisioning transformative and systems-wide solutions to meet the unique needs of their communities,” the letter read. “Western Governors urge Congress and federal agencies to be responsive to these successful, community-based methods and allow maximum flexibility in the use of federal economic development resources and the design of new and existing programs.” Read, download the full correspondence for additional details.    

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