WGA calls for increased collaboration to improve public safety on public lands

WGA News

In correspondence with the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs, the Western Governors’ Association (WGA) outlined several strategies to improve public safety in tribal communities, including ongoing support for polysubstance programming and initiatives. To address the complex and historical factors that fuel the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons crisis, the letter of November 15, signed by WGA Executive Director Jack Waldorf, called for increased collaboration between state, tribal, and federal entities, including law enforcement and victim services resources. “Western Governors recognize diverse agreement opportunities exist, such as cross-deputization, joint powers agreements, and mutual aid agreements, to assist with the speed of law enforcement response and suit the variety of systems and scenarios across the West, and support efforts to share best practices,” the letter read. “Western Governors also support funding for BIA victim service advocates to ensure that victims and their families can navigate complex bureaucratic systems.” Read, download the full correspondence for additional details. 

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