LISTEN: Out West podcast explores challenges, opportunities for electric vehicles in rural areas

Podcasts, WGA News

Electric Vehicles in Rural Areas, the latest episode of WGA’s Out West podcast, highlights the challenges of operating electric vehicles (EVs) in the rural West and how growth of that ownership is being enabled.

This episode is the first in a series for the Electric Vehicles Roadmap Initiative. The Chair Initiative of Oregon Gov. Kate Brown is focused on enhanced planning, siting and coordination of EV infrastructure in the West.

Consumer ownership of EVs is expanding across the West, but rural citizens face particular challenges owning and operating the vehicles.

In this episode WGA Policy Advisor Kevin Moss speaks with Alliy Sahagun of the Gunnison County Electric Association in Colorado and Roger Hoy of the Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory about barriers, as well as solutions, to more ubiquitous adoption of EVs in rural areas, including rural industries such as farming and ranching.

To listen, click the embedded player below, or visit Podbean, Spotify and Apple Podcasts. And learn more about the ongoing work of the Invasive Species Data Mobilization Campaign.

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