LISTEN: Learn about technologies that can increase equal work opportunities in latest ‘Out West’ podcast

Podcasts, WGA News

Technology for an Inclusive Workforce, the latest episode of WGA’s Out West podcast, examines technological advancements that will help build fully accessible and inclusive workplaces that benefit all workers, not just those with disabilities.

Technologies with universal design and assistive technologies have increased opportunities for workers with disabilities and revolutionized everything from office to factory work. To learn more about some of these exciting developments and how their adoption can be accelerated through policy, WGA Policy Associate Lauren Cloward spoke with Aaron Bangor, Director of Compliance at AT&T and Chair of the Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities.

To listen, click the embedded player below, or visit PodbeanSpotify and Apple Podcasts. And learn more about the ongoing work in  disability employmentea by the State Exchange on Employment and Disability (SEED) by visiting their website.

Read a transcript of the podcast.

Listen to other episodes in the SEED Series:

Bridging the Disability Employment Gap

An Inclusive Economic Recovery for All Americans

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