WGA shares policy to facilitate recovery of the U.S. wood products industry post COVID-19

WGA shared the Governors’ policy on land management in the West, including the need for a thriving wood-based product market to support critical forest management infrastructure, in outreach to the House Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry Committee on Agriculture for consideration during its hearing “The U.S. Wood Products Industry: Facilitating the Post COVID-19 Recovery.” The letter of July 20, 2021, signed by WGA Executive Director Jim Ogsbury, included WGA’s National Forest and Rangeland Management policy resolution, which emphasizes the need for a thriving wood-based product market to support critical forest management infrastructure. “Western Governors encourage the U.S. Forest Service to develop and help fund new technologies and wood-based markets for some non-traditional products,” the letter read. Read, download the letter. 

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