WGA shares policy on western health care challenges for Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions hearing

The Western Governors’ Association shared the Governors’ policy addressing health care challenges in the West – including access to mental health, behavioral health, and substance use services – for the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions hearing, Examining Our COVID-19 Response: Using Lessons Learned to Address Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders. The comments of April 27, 2021, signed by WGA Executive Director Jim Ogsbury included the WGA Policy Resolution, Physical and Behavioral Health Care in Western States, which in part encourages “Congress to adopt legislation that would empower states and local governments to address persistent economic and social conditions – like limited access to health care providers, stable housing, reliable transportation, healthy foods, and high-quality education – that often hinder health outcomes.” Read, download the comments    

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