WGA advocates for innovative and integrated water management with the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment


Integrated water management, including permitting water transfers, congressional support for water infrastructure, and access to basic water data that supports drought response were just some of the issues the Western Governors’ Association addressed in correspondence with the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment ahead of its hearing: ‘Proposals for a Water Resources Development Act of 2022: Administration Priorities.’ Along with sharing WGA policy resolutions Water Quality in the West and Water Resource Management in the West, the letter of Jan 10, signed by WGA Executive Director Jim Ogsbury, highlighted the necessity for collaboration across all levels of government as “many communities in the West anticipate challenges in meeting future water demands.” “Growth and development,” the letter read, “can only continue upon our recognition of continued state stewardship of our unique resources and corresponding responsibilities.” Read, download the letter.     

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