Western Governors applaud the recission of industry-recognized apprenticeship program, urge federal support for state-led registered apprenticeships

In correspondence with the U.S. Department of Labor, Western Governors voiced their support for the Department’s proposal to rescind the industry-recognized apprenticeship program (IRAP), which Governors’ previously noted could undermine the significant time and effort that states have invested in registered apprenticeships. The letter of Feb. 2, signed by WGA Chair, Idaho Gov. Brad Little, and WGA Vice-Chair, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, specifically encouraged the department to align new federal investments in apprenticeships with existing state efforts and attempt to foster a coherent system with minimal duplication. “Western Governors support rescission of the IRAP rule and urge Congress and DOL to instead increase line-item formula funding for state apprenticeship programs and provide states with technical assistance to strengthen partnerships between workforce and apprenticeship entities,” the letter read. “This will expand and scale apprenticeship opportunities while maintaining quality for participants and minimizing duplication of efforts at the federal, state and local level.” Read, download the letter to see the full list of policy recommendations.

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