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Western Governors adopt five policy resolutions

Published on June 11, 2024
To kick off WGA’s 2024 Annual Meeting in Olympic Valley, California, Western Governors formally adopted five policy resolutions.
Environmental Management

Western Governors adopt five policy resolutions

Published on June 11, 2024

WGA Policy Resolution 2024-06, Transportation Infrastructure in the Western...

Published on June 11, 2024
The resolution addresses surface transportation needs in the West.  Western Governors emphasize their support for a long-term federal funding mechanism for the maintenanc...
Economic Development

WGA Policy Resolution 2024-06, Transportation Infrastructure in the Western...

Published on June 11, 2024

Watch the 2024 Western Prosperity Forum

Published on April 24, 2024
The 2024 Western Prosperity Forum was chock-full of in-depth policy discussions about everything from digital equity and workforce development to extreme heat and ...
Economic Development

Watch the 2024 Western Prosperity Forum

Published on April 24, 2024

WGA calls on Congress for more state control over infrastructure investment...

Published on March 22, 2024
In correspondence with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, the Western Governors’ Association (WGA) submitted several polic...
Economic Development

WGA calls on Congress for more state control over infrastructure investment...

Published on March 22, 2024

WGA urges Congress to expand the Highway Trust Fund

Published on October 23, 2023
In correspondence with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, the Western Governors’ Association urged Congress to provide a l...
Economic Development

WGA urges Congress to expand the Highway Trust Fund

Published on October 23, 2023

2023 Annual Report

Published on August 08, 2023
The 2023 Annual Report of the Western Governors' Association highlights the past year’s policy work on topics such as renewable energy,...

2023 Annual Report

Published on August 08, 2023

WGA urges House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure to reauthori...

Published on March 24, 2023
In correspondence with the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, the Western Governors’ Association voiced its continued support for the Essential Air Se...
Economic Development

WGA urges House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure to reauthori...

Published on March 24, 2023

WGA urges House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure to reauthori...

Published on March 24, 2023
In correspondence with the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, the Western Governors’ Association voiced its continued support for the Essential Air Se...
Economic Development

WGA urges House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure to reauthori...

Published on March 24, 2023

Watch the 2023 Western Prosperity Roundtable

Published on March 16, 2023
As the COVID-19 pandemic untethered workers from physical offices and put a premium on space and outdoor access, rural communities throughout the West experienced significant ...

Watch the 2023 Western Prosperity Roundtable

Published on March 16, 2023

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2024 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on March 16, 2023
The Western Governors’ Association is submitting testimony on behalf of the Western Governors to House and Senate leadership on FY 2024 appropriations and activities. Th...

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2024 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on March 16, 2023

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2024 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on March 16, 2023
The Western Governors’ Association is submitting testimony on behalf of the Western Governors to House and Senate leadership on FY 2024 appropriations and activities. Th...

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2024 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on March 16, 2023

WGA provides feedback to the National Park Service regarding National Trans...

Published on February 03, 2023
In comments submitted to the National Park Service for the draft framework of the National Transportation Strategy, The Western Governors’ Association outlined the Gover...
Environmental Management

WGA provides feedback to the National Park Service regarding National Trans...

Published on February 03, 2023

WGA provides Federal Highway Administration with suggestions regarding elec...

Published on August 22, 2022
In correspondence with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Western Governors' Association submitted input regarding western states' critical role in buildin...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA provides Federal Highway Administration with suggestions regarding elec...

Published on August 22, 2022

WGA Policy Resolution 2022-09, Radioactive Materials Management

Published on June 30, 2022
The resolution establishes Western Governors’ policy on radioactive materials management. Specifically, the resolution supports the U.S. Department of Energy’s saf...

WGA Policy Resolution 2022-09, Radioactive Materials Management

Published on June 30, 2022

Western Governors commend FCC ruling to fund internet access on school buse...

Published on June 30, 2022
In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission, Western Governors expressed appreciation for the agency's proposed ruling to allow the use of E-Rate Program funding ...

Western Governors commend FCC ruling to fund internet access on school buse...

Published on June 30, 2022

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