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Western Governors’ News: Governors secure major victories for childcare, ...

Published on April 14, 2022
The Western Governors' Association offers a periodic roundup of Western Governors' work in economic development, natural resources, education, health and safety, and a...

Western Governors’ News: Governors secure major victories for childcare, ...

Published on April 14, 2022

Western Governors encourage DOE to partner with the West to develop hydroge...

Published on March 31, 2022
This week Western Governors commended the Department of Energy’s (DOE) focus on implementation of a provision of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) direct...
Economic Development

Western Governors encourage DOE to partner with the West to develop hydroge...

Published on March 31, 2022

WGA supports new tools for critical mineral and energy development with Sen...

Published on March 29, 2022
This week, the Western Governors’ Association urged the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources to address barriers to the supply chain for critical minerals. T...
Economic Development

WGA supports new tools for critical mineral and energy development with Sen...

Published on March 29, 2022

WGA call on the House to fund land management projects in partnership with ...

Published on March 10, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association submitted testimony to the House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies relating ...
Economic Development

WGA call on the House to fund land management projects in partnership with ...

Published on March 10, 2022

Western Governors’ News: Sustainable energy, broadband connectivity, work...

Published on March 03, 2022
The Western Governors' Association offers a periodic roundup of Western Governors' work in economic development, natural resources, education, health and safety, and a...

Western Governors’ News: Sustainable energy, broadband connectivity, work...

Published on March 03, 2022

WGA calls on National Institute of Standards and Technology to better prote...

Published on March 03, 2022
As the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) looks to improve its cybersecurity resources, the Western Governors’ Association urged the agency to prepare...

WGA calls on National Institute of Standards and Technology to better prote...

Published on March 03, 2022

WGA provides recommendations for Department of Energy’s ‘Building a Bet...

Published on February 09, 2022
In correspondence with the U.S. Department of Energy, The Western Governors’ Association voiced its appreciation to the agency for establishing the &lsquo...
Economic Development

WGA provides recommendations for Department of Energy’s ‘Building a Bet...

Published on February 09, 2022

Western Governors deliver 2022 State of the State Addresses

Published on January 14, 2022
Several Western Governors are delivering State of the State addresses in 2022. Below is a roundup of the speeches delivered so far; the word cloud above represents common issu...
Economic Development

Western Governors deliver 2022 State of the State Addresses

Published on January 14, 2022

Hydropower project licensing highlighted in WGA correspondence with Senate ...

Published on January 10, 2022
Hydropower project licensing, congressional support for water infrastructure, and the role of basic water data in supporting effective water management were just some of the i...
Economic Development

Hydropower project licensing highlighted in WGA correspondence with Senate ...

Published on January 10, 2022

Executive Director’s Notebook: ‘Top Ten List’ of Western Governors’...

Published on December 30, 2021
Despite the challenges of a global pandemic, catastrophic natural disasters and civil discord, Western Governors had a banner year in 2021, working on a bipartisan basis to ad...

Executive Director’s Notebook: ‘Top Ten List’ of Western Governors’...

Published on December 30, 2021

WGA Policy Resolution 2022-01, Energy in the West

Published on December 10, 2021
WGA Policy Resolution 2022-01, Energy in the West: In this updated and expanded resolution, Western Governors communicate their collective energy policy priorities for th...
Economic Development

WGA Policy Resolution 2022-01, Energy in the West

Published on December 10, 2021

Highlights from the 2021 WGA Winter Meeting

Published on December 09, 2021
The first day of WGA's 2021 Winter Meeting, hosted by Idaho Gov. Brad Little, wrapped up on Dec. 9 after a day of penetrating conversations on the glob...
Economic Development

Highlights from the 2021 WGA Winter Meeting

Published on December 09, 2021

WATCH: Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy highlights the importance of sustainable r...

Published on November 03, 2021
Gov. Mike Dunleavy emphasized the importance of sustainable resource development in opening remarks at the Alaska workshop for the 'Working Lands, Working Communities...
Economic Development

WATCH: Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy highlights the importance of sustainable r...

Published on November 03, 2021

Western Governors’ News: Pay raises, economic recovery, education and env...

Published on October 26, 2021
The Western Governors' Association offers a periodic roundup of Western Governors' work in economic development, natural resources, education, health and safety, and a...

Western Governors’ News: Pay raises, economic recovery, education and env...

Published on October 26, 2021

Executive Director’s Notebook: Western Governors Rise Above

Published on August 16, 2021
By Jim Ogsbury
Economic Development

Executive Director’s Notebook: Western Governors Rise Above

Published on August 16, 2021

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