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WGA shares Western Governors’ policy perspectives on rural development wi...

Published on May 25, 2022
In correspondence with the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, the Western Governors’ Association articulated policy recommendations on various chal...
Economic Development

WGA shares Western Governors’ policy perspectives on rural development wi...

Published on May 25, 2022

WGA provides information to Department of Health and Human Services regardi...

Published on May 19, 2022
On May 19, 2022, in correspondence with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Western Governors’ Association Executive Director Jim Ogsbury, highlighted ...

WGA provides information to Department of Health and Human Services regardi...

Published on May 19, 2022

Watch the 2022 Western Prosperity Roundtable Forum

Published on May 18, 2022
The 2022 forum for the Western Prosperity Roundtable is being hosted by Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt on May 17 and 18 at the 21c Museum Hotel Oklahoma City. You can&nbs...
Economic Development

Watch the 2022 Western Prosperity Roundtable Forum

Published on May 18, 2022

Western Governors express support to the Senate for components of the FEMA ...

Published on May 16, 2022
Western Governors expressed support to the Senate for certain components of the FEMA Improvement Reform and Efficiency Act of 2021 (FIRE Act), which would equip the Federal Em...
Environmental Management

Western Governors express support to the Senate for components of the FEMA ...

Published on May 16, 2022

Western Governors provide NTIA with additional input on the Broadband Equit...

Published on May 10, 2022
In correspondence with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Western Governors provided additional input on the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deploym...

Western Governors provide NTIA with additional input on the Broadband Equit...

Published on May 10, 2022

WGA shares Governors’ perspectives on mining with House Natural Resources...

Published on May 09, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association submitted several policy resolutions to the record of the House Natural Resource Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral ...
Economic Development

WGA shares Governors’ perspectives on mining with House Natural Resources...

Published on May 09, 2022

Western Governors express concerns that Endangered Species Act could hinder...

Published on April 28, 2022
Western Governors expressed concerns to the U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Department of Agriculture regarding ambiguous thresholds for Endangered Species Act Sectio...
Species Management

Western Governors express concerns that Endangered Species Act could hinder...

Published on April 28, 2022

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2023 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on April 06, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association is submitting testimony on behalf of the Western Governors to House and Senate leadership on FY 2023 appropriations and activities. Th...

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2023 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on April 06, 2022

WGA provides House with recommendations for disaster preparedness and respo...

Published on April 05, 2022
In correspondence with the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management, the Weste...
Environmental Management

WGA provides House with recommendations for disaster preparedness and respo...

Published on April 05, 2022

WGA supports new tools for critical mineral and energy development with Sen...

Published on March 29, 2022
This week, the Western Governors’ Association urged the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources to address barriers to the supply chain for critical minerals. T...
Economic Development

WGA supports new tools for critical mineral and energy development with Sen...

Published on March 29, 2022

WGA provides Senate Ag Committee recommendations for improving health care ...

Published on March 23, 2022
Western Governors highlighted health care challenges facing the rural West and strategies to effectively address these issues in testimony submitted to the Senate Committee on...

WGA provides Senate Ag Committee recommendations for improving health care ...

Published on March 23, 2022

Western Governors applaud Senate introduction of bipartisan bill to encoura...

Published on March 17, 2022
In a letter to the Senate, Western Governors applauded the introduction and bipartisan support of the Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act, which provide...
Environmental Management

Western Governors applaud Senate introduction of bipartisan bill to encoura...

Published on March 17, 2022

WGA provides recommendations for forest management with House Subcommittee ...

Published on March 14, 2022
Ahead of the Committee on Oversight and Reform’s Subcommittee on Environment’s hearing: Fighting Fire with Fire, Evaluating the Role of Forest Management in Reduci...
Environmental Management

WGA provides recommendations for forest management with House Subcommittee ...

Published on March 14, 2022

WGA call on the House to fund land management projects in partnership with ...

Published on March 10, 2022
The Western Governors’ Association submitted testimony to the House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies relating ...
Economic Development

WGA call on the House to fund land management projects in partnership with ...

Published on March 10, 2022

WGA outlines recommendations for siting electric vehicle infrastructure wit...

Published on March 08, 2022
As part of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s hearing, Charging Forward: Securing American Manufacturing and Our EV Future, the Western Governors’ Associ...

WGA outlines recommendations for siting electric vehicle infrastructure wit...

Published on March 08, 2022

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