LISTEN: New Out West Podcast highlights community navigator programs to help communities unlock federal support and disaster assistance

In the wake of natural disasters, navigating complicated bureaucratic systems can be extremely challenging – especially for those living in historically underserved communities. Community navigators can help raise awareness about available resources and provide technical assistance when applying for grants or other government aid. 

In this episode of Out West, WGA senior policy advisor Jonah Seifer speaks with Meryl Harrell, the Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They discuss the department’s newly formed community navigators program and how it can help disseminate funds more equitably and efficiently.  

Jonah also spoke with Jonathan Bruno and Thérèse d'Auria Ryley from Coalitions and Collaboratives, one of the USDA’s partners charged with enacting the community navigators program on the ground.    

To listen, click the embedded player below. You can also find the Out West podcast on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Podbean

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