WGA shares workforce policy supporting apprenticeships in advance of House hearing

The Western Governors’ Association shared Western Governors’ policy in support of apprenticeship programs with the House Committee on Education and Labor Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment for its hearing, Innovations in Expanding Registered Apprenticeship Programs.

“Western Governors support the expansion of work-based learning programs, including registered apprenticeships,” states WGA Policy Resolution 2018-13, Workforce Development in the Western United States, included with the March 27, 2019 outreach to Chairman Susan Davis and Ranking Member Lloyd Smucker.

“Western Governors encourage Congress and federal agencies to support and incentivize state-, local-, and industry-led partnerships to create and scale work-based learning and apprenticeship programs.”

The letter also included the Western Governors’ Workforce Development Initiative Special Report.

Read, download the letter.

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