Western Governors urge FCC to permanently fund digital services provided by rural schools, libraries

Western Governors urge the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to permanently adopt the E-Rate Program for Schools and Libraries that supports crucial digital services provided by rural schools and libraries.

"The E-Rate program has been invaluable in supporting broadband deployment to schools and libraries across the West," noted the Aug. 28, 2019 outreach to FCC Secretary Marlene H. Dortch that commented on the commission's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Modernizing the E-Rate Program for Schools and Libraries. "Western Governors are pleased with the results of the category two test period and urge the FCC to permanently adopt this funding model to support the crucial digital services provided by rural schools and libraries."

The letter, signed by WGA Chair North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Vice Chair Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, also encourages the FCC to consider "moving from a system focused on individual schools and libraries to districts and systems (as a) strategy to make category two funding more accessible for rural communities."

Read, download the letter.

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