WGA Executive Director Jim Ogsbury has offered testimony on behalf of Western Governors on FY 2021 appropriations and activities before House and Senate subcommittees.
House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies: The testimony provided comment on the FY 2021 appropriations and activities of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and advocated, in part:
- Support for the Shared Stewardship strategy, which emphasizes state-federal collaboration in confronting land management challenges throughout our states;
- Adequate funding for the conservation programs administered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, which empower private landowners to work with states and the federal government on large-scale management priorities;
- Rural Utilities Service should continue efforts to provide financial assistance for drinking water, wastewater facilities, and broadband connectivity in rural and remote areas.
Read, download Senate testimony, House Testimony
Senate Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development: The testimony provided comment on the FY 2021 appropriations and activities of the Department of Energy, Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The testimony advocated, in part:
- Prohibiting the use of appropriated funds for any activity that would usurp state authority over groundwater resources;
- Supporting new water projects and improvements to aging water, wastewater and hydropower facilities;
- Backing federal programs that reduce reliance on oil imports by increasing North American production and improving fuel efficiency, as well as developing renewable and alternative fuels and increasing innovation and application of energy storage.
Read, download testimony
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