Western Governors call on Congress to approve career and technical education act

July 31, 2018 Update: President Trump signed the bill on July 31, 2018. 

The Western Governors’ Association urges Congressional leadership to reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, which enables high-quality career and technical education programs that lead to in-demand, high-wage careers.

The Governors’ policy advocated in a July 23, 2018 letter references WGA Policy Resolution, Workforce Development in the Western United States, which voices Western Governors’ support for career and technical education as an essential tool to help expose students to careers and develop skills they will need in the workforce.

WGA Executive Director James Ogsbury also encourages approval of the bipartisan Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act because, in part, it recognizes that "Governors and states are in the best position to determine how to use federal CTE funding to meet the unique needs of their economy."

Read, download the letter

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