WATCH: Species Conservation & ESA Initiative Webinar ‘Collaborative Species Conservation in the Southeast’

The Western Governors’ Association hosted the webinar "Collaborative Species Conservation in the Southeastas part of its series for year two of the Species Conservation and ESA Initiative.

The webinar examined the role of trust and communication in species conservation efforts and the collective work of state, federal and industry partners to ensure the conservation of numerous species endemic to the southeastern U.S.

The moderator for the webinar was Cindy Dohner, Southeast Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The panelists: Jimmy BullockSenior Vice President, Forest Sustainability, Resource Management Service, LLC.; Todd Ewing, Supervisor, Aquatic Wildlife Diversity Program, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, & Vice-chair Wildlife Diversity Committee, Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies; Mike Harris, At-Risk Species Coordinator, Southeast Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Gordon Myers, Executive Director, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission; Dr. Salem Saloom, Alabama landowner; Nick Wiley, Executive Director, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

View, download the presentation slides

The Western Governors Species Conservation and Endangered Species Act Initiative is a continuation of the 2016 Chairman's Initiative of Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead. The Initiative enables states to share best practices in species management and expands on the bipartisan dialogue of the Initiative’s first year.

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