WATCH: National Forest & Rangeland Management Initiative Webinar: The Future of Wild Horse & Burro Management

The Western Governors' Association hosted a webinar on Nov. 10 as part of its series for the National Forest and Rangeland Management Initiative

The Future of Wild Horse and Burro Management: Challenges and Opportunities examined the economic and environmental impacts of wild horses and burros on western rangelands and rangeland dependent communities. Panelists also discussed the challenges associated with responsible and humane management of horses and burros on public lands and possible solutions to ballooning wild horse and burro populations.

The moderator was U.S. Representative Chris Stewart (UT-2). The panelistsKathleen Clarke, Director, Utah Public Lands Coordinating Office; JJ Goicoechea, Eureka County Commission Chair, Eureka County, NV; Callie Hendrickson, Executive Director, White River & Douglas Creek Conservation Districts in Rio Blanco County, CO; Tammy Pearson, Commissioner, Beaver County, UT; Dr. Eric Thacker, Professor of Wildland Resources, Utah State University.

The Chairman's Initiative of Montana Gov. Steve Bullock enables states and land managers to share best practices and policy options for forest and rangeland management. 

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