WATCH: Examining Transmission and Distribution Infrastructure Across the West webinar

Webinars, WGA News

The Western Governors’ Association hosted the webinar, Examining Transmission and Distribution Infrastructure Across the West.

The webinar is the first in a three-part series WGA is hosting in conjunction with the Electric Vehicles Roadmap Initiative of WGA Chair and Oregon Gov. Kate Brown. The Chair’s Initiative is examining opportunities to improve the planning, siting and coordination of electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure in western states.

As consumers, government and private industry increasingly invest in EV fleets, demand for electricity will increase dramatically. To meet this increased demand, upgrades to existing transmission and distribution infrastructure may be necessary. This webinar examined the state of high-capacity transmission and distribution infrastructure in the West, the upgrades needed to support large-scale EV transitions, and strategies to reduce infrastructure upgrade costs.

The webinar was moderated by Jeff Morris, Senior Director of State Government Relations, Schneider Electric. Panelists included: Michael Kintner-Meyer – Electrical System Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Kellen Schefter – Director, Electric Transportation, Edison Electric Institute; Annie Schneider – Senior Transportation Program Specialist, Utah Governor’s Office of Energy Development.

Download presentation slidedecks, watch the webinar below.

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