LISTEN: Out West podcast highlights EV technology advances transforming western transportation

Podcasts, WGA News

Electric Vehicle Research and Innovation, the latest episode of WGA’s Out West podcast, examines the latest advances in electric vehicles (EV) technology that are transforming transportation in the region. 

The episode is the second in a series for the Electric Vehicles Roadmap Initiative of Oregon Gov. Kate Brown. The Initiative seeks to achieve an expanded regional agreement on electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the West.  

In this episode, WGA Policy Advisor Kevin Moss talks about infrastructure modeling analysis with Alex Keros, the Lead Architect for EV Infrastructure at GM; innovations in battery technology with Eric Wood, a research engineer at the Center for Integrated Mobility Sciences at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; fleet charging and fueling systems with Kim Okafor, a Strategic Business Development Manager for Trillium.   

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To listen, click the embedded player below, or visit PodbeanSpotify and Apple Podcasts. And learn more about the ongoing work of the Electric Vehicles Roadmap Initiative.

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