LISTEN: Learn how experts are racing to control the Asian Giant ‘Murder’ Hornet in latest ‘Out West’ podcast

Podcasts, WGA News

Photo courtesy of the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

UPDATE: Heavily protected crews in Washington state worked to destroy the first nest of so-called murder hornets discovered in the United States. Learn more.

The Buzz About Murder Hornets – Separating Fact from Fiction, the latest episode of WGA’s Out West podcast, highlights efforts by Washington state officials to control a dangerous new invasive species threatening the West, the Asian Giant Hornet, also known as the ‘Murder Hornet.’

These fearsome new invaders are known for their potentially deadly sting, which has the ability to pierce the protective clothing of even professional beekeepers. How many of these enormous hornets, the world's largest, have been identified in the West? Can they spread across the country?

Join WGA Policy Advisor Bill Whitacre and Washington State Department of Agriculture entomologist Sven-Erik Spichiger as they explore the answers to these questions and more.

Controlling the spread of invasive species is a priority for Western Governors, who in 2019 launched the year-long Biosecurity and Invasive Species Initiative under the leadership of then-WGA Chair, Hawaii Governor David Ige.

To listen, click the embedded player below, or visit PodbeanOut West is also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Also on Out West: Listen to the series WGA produced on the Reimagining the Rural West Initiative, which seeks to re-energize the economies of western communities.

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