LISTEN: Governors Daugaard, Bullock and Ige discuss Western Governors’ Foundation in Out West Podcast

Podcasts, WGA News

Get to Know the Western Governors’ Foundation: Governors Dennis Daugaard, Steve Bullock, David Ige, the latest episode of WGA’s Out West podcast, delves into the work of the Western Governors’ Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Western Governors’ Association. 

The episode is the first in a series for the Western Governors’ Foundation, which leverages the collective influence of former and current Western Governors to promote the welfare of the West. 

In this episode, WGA Executive Director Jim Ogsbury discusses the impetus behind the creation of the Foundation with current board Chair Dennis Daugaard, the former Governor of Idaho, and two of the Foundation’s sitting directors, Steve Bullock, the former Governor of Montana, and David Ige, the Governor of Hawaii. 

The group also highlights the merits of the Foundation’s regional art competition, Celebrate the West, and the Foundation’s new initiative, the Western Governors’ Leadership Institute. The latter will select one young adult to represent each western state and territory at the Annual Meeting of the Western Governors’ Association. 

To listen, click the embedded player below, or visit Podbean, Spotify and Apple Podcasts. And learn more about the ongoing work of the Western Governors' Foundation.

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