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WGA Announces 2018 Celebrate the West Art Competition Winners

Published on June 27, 2018
WGA is pleased to announce the winners in the third annual Western Governors’ Association Celebrate the West regional art competition, which challenged hi...
Western Governors’ Association

WGA Announces 2018 Celebrate the West Art Competition Winners

Published on June 27, 2018

Western Governors approve policy resolutions on workforce development, inte...

Published on June 27, 2018
Western Governors formally approved 12 policy resolutions on topics such as workforce development, international trade, and western infrastructure at the 2018 Annual Meeting i...
Western Governors’ Association

Western Governors approve policy resolutions on workforce development, inte...

Published on June 27, 2018

WGA Annual Meeting Day 2: Zinke emphasizes park infrastructure, Anschutz ex...

Published on June 26, 2018
The Western Governors heard Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke discuss the need to maintain National Park Service infrastructure and entrepreneur Philip Anschutz describe the role ...
Western Governors’ Association

WGA Annual Meeting Day 2: Zinke emphasizes park infrastructure, Anschutz ex...

Published on June 26, 2018

WGA Annual Meeting Day 1: Gov. Daugaard releases Workforce Initiative repor...

Published on June 25, 2018
South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard released the first-year report of the Western Governors’ Workforce Development Initiative and hosted keynotes by two Cabinet Secretarie...
Western Governors’ Association

WGA Annual Meeting Day 1: Gov. Daugaard releases Workforce Initiative repor...

Published on June 25, 2018

2018 Annual Meeting hosted by Gov. Daugaard in South Dakota will feature se...

Published on June 21, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association 2018 Annual Meeting, featuring seven Governors and an impressive array of special guests, opens Monday in Rapid City, S.D.
Western Governors’ Association

2018 Annual Meeting hosted by Gov. Daugaard in South Dakota will feature se...

Published on June 21, 2018

WGA promotes state authority at hearing on ‘surplus waters’ before Sena...

Published on June 13, 2018
WGA delivered testimony to a Senate subcommittee that expressed the Governors' continuing "opposition" to a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed rule on regulation of sur...

WGA promotes state authority at hearing on ‘surplus waters’ before Sena...

Published on June 13, 2018

Executive Director’s Notebook: Western Governors on a roll as Annual Meet...

Published on May 29, 2018
By Jim Ogsbury
Western Governors’ Association

Executive Director’s Notebook: Western Governors on a roll as Annual Meet...

Published on May 29, 2018

WGA shares Governors’ policy on groundwater management for Senate hearing

Published on April 17, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association has submitted materials that express states’ legal authority over groundwater resources for an oversight hearing of the Senate C...

WGA shares Governors’ policy on groundwater management for Senate hearing

Published on April 17, 2018

WGA appropriations testimony advocates for state role in DOI reorganization...

Published on April 17, 2018
The Western Governors' Association advocated for a greater partnership between states and the federal government in testimony to the House and Senate Committees on Appropr...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA appropriations testimony advocates for state role in DOI reorganization...

Published on April 17, 2018

Western Governors’ Association supports states’ agriculture, conservati...

Published on April 17, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association shared the policy priorities of Western Governors in the 2018 Farm Bill with leadership of the House Committee on Agriculture.

Western Governors’ Association supports states’ agriculture, conservati...

Published on April 17, 2018

Watch Webinar: Innovative Policy for Lifelong Learning

Published on April 05, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association hosted the webinar, Innovative Policy for Lifelong Learning, on April 5, 2018 as part of a series for the Western Governors&...
Economic Development

Watch Webinar: Innovative Policy for Lifelong Learning

Published on April 05, 2018

Western Governors’ Association advocates for Energy, Water, USDA appropri...

Published on March 30, 2018
The Western Governors' Association offered testimony on behalf of Western Governors to Senate leadership on March 30, 2018 regarding fiscal year 2019 appropriations.
State-Federal Relationship

Western Governors’ Association advocates for Energy, Water, USDA appropri...

Published on March 30, 2018

Executive Director’s Notebook: ‘Fire borrowing’ funding victory fuele...

Published on March 28, 2018
By Jim Ogsbury The recent approval of the fiscal year 2018 consolidated appropriations bill represents a significant victory for Western Governors by providing long-term fund...

Executive Director’s Notebook: ‘Fire borrowing’ funding victory fuele...

Published on March 28, 2018

Watch Webinar: Rural Workforce Development Challenges

Published on March 21, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association hosted the webinar, Rural Workforce Development Challenges, on March 21, 2018 as part of a series for the Western Governors’ Wor...
Economic Development

Watch Webinar: Rural Workforce Development Challenges

Published on March 21, 2018

Watch the WGA Western Working Lands Forum

Published on March 16, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association hosted the inaugural Western Working Lands Forum on March 15-16, 2018. The forum examined challenges of cross-boundary planning among ...
Environmental Management

Watch the WGA Western Working Lands Forum

Published on March 16, 2018

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