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LISTEN: Latest episode of ‘Out West’ offers deep dive into WGA policy w...

Published on September 09, 2020
Exploring the 2020 Annual Report, the latest episode of WGA’s Out West podcast, recaps the impactful, collaborative policy work of Western Governors over the past year a...
Economic Development

LISTEN: Latest episode of ‘Out West’ offers deep dive into WGA policy w...

Published on September 09, 2020

LETTER: Governors request ‘close working relationship’ between ...

Published on September 03, 2020
Western Governors request that federal agencies and state wildlife managers "maintain a close working relationship" in comments to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the N...
Species Management

LETTER: Governors request ‘close working relationship’ between ...

Published on September 03, 2020

WGA introduces Toolkit for Invasive Grass Management in the West

Published on July 22, 2020
Read, download the toolkit. The Western Governors’ Association (WGA) has released a new toolkit for land managers working to combat the spread of invasive annual grasse...
Environmental Management

WGA introduces Toolkit for Invasive Grass Management in the West

Published on July 22, 2020

WGA 2020 Annual Report shares Western Governors’ policy work on broad...

Published on July 07, 2020
LISTEN: Exploring the 2020 Annual Report, the tenth episode of WGA’s Out West podcast, recaps the impactful, collaborative policy work of Western Gov...

WGA 2020 Annual Report shares Western Governors’ policy work on broad...

Published on July 07, 2020

Western Governors’ Association 2020 Annual Report

Published on July 07, 2020
The Western Governors' Association 2020 Annual Report highlights the past year’s policy work of the Western Governors on topics such as realigning the state-federal ...
Economic Development

Western Governors’ Association 2020 Annual Report

Published on July 07, 2020

LETTER: Western Governors urge EPA to properly consult states in comments o...

Published on June 19, 2020
Western Governors request that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognize states as sovereignties, with reserved powers under the U.S. Constitution, and direct agency...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors urge EPA to properly consult states in comments o...

Published on June 19, 2020

Executive Director’s Notebook: A Team Effort

Published on May 04, 2020
By Jim Ogsbury
State-Federal Relationship

Executive Director’s Notebook: A Team Effort

Published on May 04, 2020

LETTER: Governors remind Congress about importance of PILT, SRS programs to...

Published on April 21, 2020
Western Governors respectfully ask for Congress’ attention to the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) and Secure Rural Schools (SRS) programs to aid the American people amid...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Governors remind Congress about importance of PILT, SRS programs to...

Published on April 21, 2020

Western Governors seek consultation with DOI on suspending, reducing oil an...

Published on April 06, 2020
Western Governors urge Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt to engage with states about current proposals to suspend or reduce onshore oil and gas royalties to suppo...

Western Governors seek consultation with DOI on suspending, reducing oil an...

Published on April 06, 2020

LETTER: Western Governors seek role in discussion about suspending or reduc...

Published on April 03, 2020
Western Governors urge Secretary of the Interior David  Bernhardt to engage with states about current proposals to suspend or reduce onshore oil and gas royalties to supp...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors seek role in discussion about suspending or reduc...

Published on April 03, 2020

Western Governors request federal agencies support rural counties, municipa...

Published on April 01, 2020
Western Governors have requested federal agencies offer coordinated support for western rural counties and municipalities to aid their response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (CO...
State-Federal Relationship

Western Governors request federal agencies support rural counties, municipa...

Published on April 01, 2020

LETTER: Western Governors request federal agencies support COVID-19 respons...

Published on April 01, 2020
Western Governors request federal agencies offer coordinated support for western rural counties and municipalities as they respond to COVID-19. The outreach to Secretary of th...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors request federal agencies support COVID-19 respons...

Published on April 01, 2020

LETTER: WGA urges ‘meaningful, substantive’ consultation betwee...

Published on March 02, 2020
The Western Governors’ Association urges leadership at the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to engage in "meaningful, substantive, and ongoing government-to-govern...
Forest & Rangeland Management

LETTER: WGA urges ‘meaningful, substantive’ consultation betwee...

Published on March 02, 2020

LETTER: WGA-led coalition urges Senate committee to protect states’ autho...

Published on February 27, 2020
A coalition led by the Western Governors’ Association urges leadership of the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Environment and Public Works to protect states’ prim...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: WGA-led coalition urges Senate committee to protect states’ autho...

Published on February 27, 2020

Best of the West: Nevada leads the way for electric vehicles; new dinosaur ...

Published on February 06, 2020
The Western Governors' Association keeps you updated on the news of the West. Here are the top stories for the week starting Feb. 3, 2020. Photo courtesy of the Natural Hi...
State-Federal Relationship

Best of the West: Nevada leads the way for electric vehicles; new dinosaur ...

Published on February 06, 2020

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