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LETTER: WGA backs efficient infrastructure permitting for Senate hearing on...

Published on July 09, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association expresses support for more efficient infrastructure permitting to Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works leadership prior ...
Economic Development

LETTER: WGA backs efficient infrastructure permitting for Senate hearing on...

Published on July 09, 2019

LETTER: WGA urges Congress to address infrastructure, maintenance at Nation...

Published on June 18, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association urges Congress to address infrastructure and maintenance at national parks. WGA submitted Policy Resolution 2019-07, National Parks an...
Environmental Management

LETTER: WGA urges Congress to address infrastructure, maintenance at Nation...

Published on June 18, 2019

Western Governors urge state consultation by Council on Environmental Quali...

Published on April 08, 2019
Western Governors urge the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to consult with Governors’ offices in any review of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulation...
Environmental Management

Western Governors urge state consultation by Council on Environmental Quali...

Published on April 08, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors urge Council on Environmental Quality to consult ...

Published on April 08, 2019
Western Governors urge the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to consult with states in any review of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations. The April 8, 20...
Environmental Management

LETTER: Western Governors urge Council on Environmental Quality to consult ...

Published on April 08, 2019

LETTER: WGA urges collaboration on policy development with new EPA Administ...

Published on March 25, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association congratulate Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler on his appointment to the post and share WGA policies ...
Environmental Management

LETTER: WGA urges collaboration on policy development with new EPA Administ...

Published on March 25, 2019

Western Governors urge Congress: ‘Reintroduce and expedite’ Goo...

Published on February 08, 2019
Western Governors request that Congressional leadership "reintroduce and expedite consideration" of the Good Samaritan Remediation of Orphan Hardrock Mines Act because "liabil...
Environmental Management

Western Governors urge Congress: ‘Reintroduce and expedite’ Goo...

Published on February 08, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors urge Congress to ‘reintroduce and expedite ...

Published on February 08, 2019
Western Governors ask Congressional leadership to "reintroduce and expedite consideration of the Good Samaritan Remediation of Orphan Hardrock Mines Act (115th Congress S. 372...
Environmental Management

LETTER: Western Governors urge Congress to ‘reintroduce and expedite ...

Published on February 08, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors seek more efficient federal environmental reviews...

Published on February 08, 2019
Western Governors congratulate Mary Neumayr on her appointment to be the Chair and Managing Director of the Council on Environmental Quality. The Feb. 8, 2019 letter signed by...
Environmental Management

LETTER: Western Governors seek more efficient federal environmental reviews...

Published on February 08, 2019

Governors express ‘concerns’ to EPA about lack of state consult...

Published on October 10, 2018
Western Governors have "concerns" about the lack of state consultation by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) before publication of its proposed rule, Emission Guideline...
Air Quality

Governors express ‘concerns’ to EPA about lack of state consult...

Published on October 10, 2018

LETTER: Governors ‘express concerns’ to EPA about lack of consu...

Published on October 10, 2018
Western Governors have "concerns" about the lack of state consultation by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) before publication of its proposed rule, Emission Guideline...
Air Quality

LETTER: Governors ‘express concerns’ to EPA about lack of consu...

Published on October 10, 2018

Western Governors seek revisions to Council on Environmental Quality regula...

Published on August 03, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association urges revisions to Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations to make administration of the National Environmental Policy Act ...
Environmental Management

Western Governors seek revisions to Council on Environmental Quality regula...

Published on August 03, 2018

LETTER: Western Governors urge revision to Council on Environmental Quality...

Published on August 03, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association urges revisions to Council on Environmental Quality regulations to make administration of the National Environmental Policy Act more e...
Environmental Management

LETTER: Western Governors urge revision to Council on Environmental Quality...

Published on August 03, 2018

Watch the WGA Western Working Lands Forum

Published on March 16, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association hosted the inaugural Western Working Lands Forum on March 15-16, 2018. The forum examined challenges of cross-boundary planning among ...
Environmental Management

Watch the WGA Western Working Lands Forum

Published on March 16, 2018

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