
The Western Governors' Association was established in 1984 to represent the 22 westernmost states and territories. The association is an instrument of the Governors for bipartisan policy development, information exchange, and collective action on issues of critical importance to the western United States.

Lauren DeNinno

Deputy Policy Director

[email protected]

(720) 897-4536

Lauren serves as deputy policy director, and assists in the overall management of WGA’s policy development and advocacy efforts.  She also manages Western Governors’ workforce development policy.  Since starting at WGA in 2016, Lauren has worked on a number of policy issues and previously led the Reimagining the Rural West and Workforce Development chair initiatives.

Lauren is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  She graduated from Georgetown University with a B.S. in Foreign Service.  Prior to WGA, she was a research technician at the U.S. Geological Survey working on arctic paleoclimatology.  She enjoys skiing, gardening, and attending rodeos.


Workforce Development in the Western United States

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