WGA backs efficient infrastructure permitting, habitat connectivity for Senate hearing on Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act

The Western Governors’ Association expressed support for efficient infrastructure permitting to Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works leadership prior to a hearing on reauthorization of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.

The outreach to Chairman John Barrasso and Ranking Member Thomas R. Carper for the July 10, 2019 hearing noted that the FAST Act, which expires in 2020, has been a "significant step in improving the federal infrastructure approval process."

The letter, signed by WGA Executive Director Jim Ogsbury, also urged Congress “to include funding and provisions in the bill’s state-supported transportation infrastructure projects that support fish and wildlife crossings and habitat connectivity." 

WGA additionally submitted three Policy Resolutions for the hearing record: Modernizing Western Infrastructure; Transportation Infrastructure in the Western United States; Wildlife Mitigation Corridors and Habitat.

Read, download the letter.

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