Western Governors support NIDIS to manage western water, cope with future drought


Western Governors have expressed support to U.S. Senate leadership for reauthorization of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), which represents a vital tool in western water management by promoting a coordinated and integrated approach to coping with future drought.

“The NIDIS program’s forecasting and monitoring provides the authoritative, objective, and timely drought information that farmers, water managers, decision-makers, and local governments require for effective preparedness and response,” stated the letter signed by WGA Chair South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard and WGA Vice Chair Hawaii Gov. David Ige.

The letter sent May 14, 2018 also noted the Western Governors’ role in the 2006 creation of NIDIS and WGA’s work with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other partners to champion the system’s implementation.

Read, download the letter

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