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LETTER: Coalition concerned with Army Corps proposed rule on water uses of ...

Published on August 22, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association and three other leading associations of state officials "express collective and continued concerns" with the U.S. Army Corps of Engine...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Coalition concerned with Army Corps proposed rule on water uses of ...

Published on August 22, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors urge Senate to expedite review of State and Local...

Published on July 23, 2019
Western Governors encourage Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Charles Schumer to expedite Senate consideration of a bill to provide financial and tech...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors urge Senate to expedite review of State and Local...

Published on July 23, 2019

LETTER: WGA urges House Subcommittee on Government Operations to improve st...

Published on July 22, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association shared recommendations to improve the state-federal relationship with leadership of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Subcom...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: WGA urges House Subcommittee on Government Operations to improve st...

Published on July 22, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors urge Congressional leadership to fully fund Payme...

Published on May 23, 2019
Western Governors urge active support for the Payment in Lieu of Taxes and Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act programs during the current Cong...
Economic Development

LETTER: Western Governors urge Congressional leadership to fully fund Payme...

Published on May 23, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors identify opportunities for strengthened collabora...

Published on March 04, 2019
Western Governors sent a letter to Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Matthew Lohr to congratulate him on his appointment to the post, and to formally introdu...

LETTER: Western Governors identify opportunities for strengthened collabora...

Published on March 04, 2019

TESTIMONY: WGA to House, Senate Appropriations on FY 2020

Published on February 21, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association submitted the testimony of James D. Ogsbury, WGA Executive Director, on behalf of Western Governors to the House of Representativ...
Forest & Rangeland Management

TESTIMONY: WGA to House, Senate Appropriations on FY 2020

Published on February 21, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors seek dialogue with Interior on state, federal dat...

Published on January 29, 2019
Western Governors invite the Department of the Interior to discuss state and federal data-sharing, as well as disclosure concerns and potential solutions. The Jan. 29, 2019 le...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors seek dialogue with Interior on state, federal dat...

Published on January 29, 2019

LETTER: WGA urges Congress to address Western Governors’ priorities in 20...

Published on January 14, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association urges Congressional leadership to consider Western Governors’ priorities for legislative action as they formulate their parties&...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: WGA urges Congress to address Western Governors’ priorities in 20...

Published on January 14, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors encourage Congressional leadership to prioritize ...

Published on January 09, 2019
Western Governors urge Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to retain an emphasis on and seek improvements to the state-federal relations...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors encourage Congressional leadership to prioritize ...

Published on January 09, 2019

TESTIMONY: WGA urges ‘clarification’ of law to recognize states as co-s...

Published on November 16, 2018
The Western Governors’ Association delivered testimony on Nov. 16, 2018 on behalf of Western Governors to the House of Representatives Speaker’s Task Force on Inte...
State-Federal Relationship

TESTIMONY: WGA urges ‘clarification’ of law to recognize states as co-s...

Published on November 16, 2018

LETTER: Governors seek clarity on Section 404 of CWA, One Federal Decision ...

Published on October 10, 2018
Western Governors seek to better understand the Administration’s goals and plans for state delegation and infrastructure permitting and environmental reviews. To that en...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Governors seek clarity on Section 404 of CWA, One Federal Decision ...

Published on October 10, 2018

LETTER: Western Governors make recommendations to Congressional leadership ...

Published on September 26, 2018
Western Governors offer recommendations that would amend House and Senate rules and drafting conventions to strengthen the state-federal relationship. The Sept. 26, 2018 outre...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors make recommendations to Congressional leadership ...

Published on September 26, 2018

LETTER: Western Governors urge Rural Utilities Service to help improve broa...

Published on September 10, 2018
Western Governors urge the Rural Utilities Service’s (RUS) Broadband e-Connectivity Pilot Program to consider innovative technologies to deliver broadband service to rur...

LETTER: Western Governors urge Rural Utilities Service to help improve broa...

Published on September 10, 2018

LETTER: Governors seek Congressional support for western concerns in Farm B...

Published on August 31, 2018
Western Governors seek Congressional support for provisions addressing land management, conservation, grazing, rural broadband connectivity and other concerns of western state...

LETTER: Governors seek Congressional support for western concerns in Farm B...

Published on August 31, 2018

LETTER: Western Governors urge reform to simplify Federal-State land exchan...

Published on August 29, 2018
Western Governors support legislative reforms to facilitate land exchanges between western states and federal land management agencies. The Aug. 29, 2018 outreach to Senate Ma...
Forest & Rangeland Management

LETTER: Western Governors urge reform to simplify Federal-State land exchan...

Published on August 29, 2018

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