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LETTER: Western Governors seek role in discussion about suspending or reduc...

Published on April 03, 2020
Western Governors urge Secretary of the Interior David  Bernhardt to engage with states about current proposals to suspend or reduce onshore oil and gas royalties to supp...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors seek role in discussion about suspending or reduc...

Published on April 03, 2020

LETTER: Western Governors request federal agencies support COVID-19 respons...

Published on April 01, 2020
Western Governors request federal agencies offer coordinated support for western rural counties and municipalities as they respond to COVID-19. The outreach to Secretary of th...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors request federal agencies support COVID-19 respons...

Published on April 01, 2020

LETTER: WGA urges ‘meaningful, substantive’ consultation betwee...

Published on March 02, 2020
The Western Governors’ Association urges leadership at the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to engage in "meaningful, substantive, and ongoing government-to-govern...
Forest & Rangeland Management

LETTER: WGA urges ‘meaningful, substantive’ consultation betwee...

Published on March 02, 2020

LETTER: WGA-led coalition urges Senate committee to protect states’ autho...

Published on February 27, 2020
A coalition led by the Western Governors’ Association urges leadership of the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Environment and Public Works to protect states’ prim...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: WGA-led coalition urges Senate committee to protect states’ autho...

Published on February 27, 2020

TESTIMONY: WGA comments on FY 2021 appropriations and activities of BLM, FW...

Published on February 05, 2020
Western Governors’ Association Executive Director Jim Ogsbury testified before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Int...
Air Quality

TESTIMONY: WGA comments on FY 2021 appropriations and activities of BLM, FW...

Published on February 05, 2020

LETTER: Western Governors applaud withdrawal of Water Supply Rule

Published on January 23, 2020
WGA applauds the Trump Administration decision of Jan. 19, 2020 to withdraw its proposed Water Supply Rule. Since 2013, WGA has expressed concerns – through comments, le...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors applaud withdrawal of Water Supply Rule

Published on January 23, 2020

LETTER: Governors seek continued collaboration with DOI, USDA on vegetation...

Published on December 11, 2019
Western Governors encourage continued collaboration to improve vegetation management in and near transmission and distribution corridors to reduce the likelihood of wildfire i...
Forest & Rangeland Management

LETTER: Governors seek continued collaboration with DOI, USDA on vegetation...

Published on December 11, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors express support for bipartisan Stop the Spread of...

Published on December 05, 2019
Western Governors commend Senator Michael Bennet and Senator Steve Daines for introducing S. 2975, the Stop the Spread of Invasive Mussels Act of 2019, bipartisan legislation ...
Species Management

LETTER: Western Governors express support for bipartisan Stop the Spread of...

Published on December 05, 2019

LETTER: WGA shares support of PILT, SRS programs for hearing of Senate Comm...

Published on November 18, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association appreciates the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for its attention to the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) and Secure R...
Forest & Rangeland Management

LETTER: WGA shares support of PILT, SRS programs for hearing of Senate Comm...

Published on November 18, 2019

LETTER: WGA, 10 other associations, oppose actions altering state authority...

Published on November 18, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association and 10 other leading associations of state officials express "concerns about any legislation or federal action that would alter states...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: WGA, 10 other associations, oppose actions altering state authority...

Published on November 18, 2019

LETTER: Governors support ‘clear and coordinated permitting’ to...

Published on November 05, 2019
Western Governors share their support of "clear and coordinated permitting processes to promote the responsible and efficient development" of wind, solar and geothermal energy...

LETTER: Governors support ‘clear and coordinated permitting’ to...

Published on November 05, 2019

LETTER: WGA-led coalition shares ‘concerns’ with EPA over propo...

Published on October 16, 2019
The Western Governors’ Association and 11 other leading organizations of national and state officials express "numerous concerns" about the U.S. Environmental Protection...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: WGA-led coalition shares ‘concerns’ with EPA over propo...

Published on October 16, 2019

COMMENTS: EPA, USCG not fulfilling statutory obligation to consult with Gov...

Published on September 09, 2019
Western Governors assert that it is incumbent upon the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to engage in substantive consultation with Governors d...
State-Federal Relationship

COMMENTS: EPA, USCG not fulfilling statutory obligation to consult with Gov...

Published on September 09, 2019

LETTER: Western Governors support reestablishment of forum for meaningful d...

Published on August 29, 2019
Western Governors support the reestablishment of a forum for meaningful dialogue on intergovernmental issues, such as the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations of the Unit...
State-Federal Relationship

LETTER: Western Governors support reestablishment of forum for meaningful d...

Published on August 29, 2019

COMMENTS: Governors support federal apprenticeship investments that align w...

Published on August 26, 2019
Western Governors believe that "federal investments in apprenticeships should align with existing efforts to foster a coherent system with minimal duplication at the federal, ...
Economic Development

COMMENTS: Governors support federal apprenticeship investments that align w...

Published on August 26, 2019

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