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WGA urges House committee to focus on risk reduction strategies

Published on October 25, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association shared its policy resolution, Disaster Preparedness and Response, with the House Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Bui...
Economic Development

WGA urges House committee to focus on risk reduction strategies

Published on October 25, 2021

WGA shares policy to enhance mental and behavioral health care in outreach ...

Published on October 19, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association shared its policy resolution, Physical and Behavioral Health Care in Western States, with the Senate Committee on Finan...

WGA shares policy to enhance mental and behavioral health care in outreach ...

Published on October 19, 2021

WGA advocates for a National Minerals Policy in outreach to Senate

Published on October 05, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association submitted WGA policy resolutions Cleaning Up Abandoned Hardrock Mines in the West and National Minerals Policy for...
Environmental Management

WGA advocates for a National Minerals Policy in outreach to Senate

Published on October 05, 2021

Governors support House legislation to develop state programs for addressin...

Published on August 18, 2021
Western Governors voiced their support for the Social Determinants Accelerator Act of 2021 in outreach to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The correspondence o...

Governors support House legislation to develop state programs for addressin...

Published on August 18, 2021

WGA shares policy, process improvements as EPA considers revising aspects o...

Published on July 28, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association shared policy resolutions about water in the West, as well as process improvements to ensure the effective administration of state aut...
State-Federal Relationship

WGA shares policy, process improvements as EPA considers revising aspects o...

Published on July 28, 2021

WGA shares policy to facilitate recovery of the U.S. wood products industry...

Published on July 20, 2021
WGA shared the Governors’ policy on land management in the West, including the need for a thriving wood-based product market to support critical forest management infras...
Economic Development

WGA shares policy to facilitate recovery of the U.S. wood products industry...

Published on July 20, 2021

WGA shares policy addressing barriers underserved communities face when acc...

Published on July 15, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association shared information with the U.S. Department of Agriculture on barriers that underserved communities face in a...
Economic Development

WGA shares policy addressing barriers underserved communities face when acc...

Published on July 15, 2021

Governors share policy on infrastructure permitting, planning with Federal ...

Published on May 20, 2021
Western Governors shared their policy with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on procedures to promote the siting of energy, alternative fueling, and telecommunications...
Economic Development

Governors share policy on infrastructure permitting, planning with Federal ...

Published on May 20, 2021

Western Governors’ Association shares recommendations for EO review of Am...

Published on May 13, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association submitted comments to the White House in response to President Biden’s Executive Order (EO), America’s Supply Chains. The ...
Economic Development

Western Governors’ Association shares recommendations for EO review of Am...

Published on May 13, 2021

Western Governors request close consultation on National Climate Task Force...

Published on May 06, 2021
Western Governors request close consultation during the National Climate Task Force review of reports by the Departments of Interior and Agriculture as described in Section 21...
Environmental Management

Western Governors request close consultation on National Climate Task Force...

Published on May 06, 2021

Western Governors recommend improvements for broadband data, mapping and in...

Published on May 06, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association stressed the need for expanded access to high-speed internet throughout the West in comments submitted to the House Subcommittee ...

Western Governors recommend improvements for broadband data, mapping and in...

Published on May 06, 2021

WGA shares policy on western health care challenges for Senate Committee on...

Published on April 27, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association shared the Governors’ policy addressing health care challenges in the West – including access to mental health, behavioral...

WGA shares policy on western health care challenges for Senate Committee on...

Published on April 27, 2021

WGA urges Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee to prioritize weste...

Published on April 26, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association articulated the Governors’ policy about energy development on federal lands for a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy...
Air Quality

WGA urges Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee to prioritize weste...

Published on April 26, 2021

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2022 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on April 19, 2021
The Western Governors’ Association is submitting testimony on behalf of the Western Governors to House and Senate leadership on FY 2022 appropriations and activities. Th...
Forest & Rangeland Management

Western Governors submit testimony on FY 2022 appropriations to House, Sena...

Published on April 19, 2021

Governors request decisive action, collaboration from DOI, USDA, Army Corps...

Published on April 12, 2021
Western Governors expressed concern about the continuing risks that aquatic invasive species, including quagga and zebra (Dreissenid) mussels, pose to western waters in a lett...
Species Management

Governors request decisive action, collaboration from DOI, USDA, Army Corps...

Published on April 12, 2021

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