LETTER: Governors support annual RAWA funding to states for proactive conservation of at-risk species, habitats

Western Governors support provisions of H.R. 3742, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2019 (RAWA), that direct annual funding to state fish and wildlife agencies and tribes for proactive conservation of at-risk species and habitats. The outreach of Nov. 15, 2019 sent to House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Raul Grijalva explains that State Wildlife Action Plans "provide the blueprint" for states to address threats to at-risk wildlife populations and habitat. "However, states lack the fiscal resources necessary to fully implement these plans," notes the letter signed by WGA Chair North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Vice Chair Oregon Gov. Kate Brown. "Annual funding through RAWA ...  would (ensure) that future generations will be able to enjoy vibrant working landscapes." Read, download the letter

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